Thursday, March 21, 2024

Body positivity

Caption text

Bruce’s instagram has became a collage of tropical foreign destinations, expensed trips and VIP appearances at exclusive events. A stark contrast to his account before the Great Shift.

With the global effects of the shift, the whole world came to understand, appreciate and embrace the body positivity movement that prior to the shift was often scrutinised.

Bruce was a 45 year old man before the shift. He found himself in the body of a prominent Latina plus-size model. It was strange to not only be in a new body, but one that was easily recognisable and had been the centre of controversy.

With his new body’s existing notoriety and fame, Bruce was headhunted to become the figurehead of the new and surging social movement of body acceptance. 

Initially he was a bit resistant but came to feel that he could make a positive change in the world. Leading the example on how to love your new post-shift form as he had done.


  1. You should do some more post Great Shift social media themed captions.
