Sunday, March 31, 2024


Caption text

“What’s up loser!” the pretty girl raised an L to her forehead.

“The look on your face is hilarious! What’s weirder, me being in your girlfriend’s body or your girlfriend in my body?” the girl continued, the familiar smirk of Luke’s bully worn on the face he loved. 

Dave had bullied Luke for as long as Luke could remember. And now thanks to Swap Class, for the next month his bully would be in his girlfriend’s body. Dave was very happy to have gotten her body, it was a nice one. He always wondered why she would put up with Luke. Luke was full of nerves around how Dave would treat her body. 

“Please just don’t do anything to her body” Luke pleaded, trying to reach a shred of empathy.

The smirk returned. 

“No of course not. I don’t want to fail Swap Class and ruin my great grades.” the sarcastic tone coming through clearly. Dave was on the verge of expulsion, Swap Class was meant to be an easy grade. He didn’t care if he failed. He was just going to have fun whilst on his way out the door.


  1. This is great please make more like it!!! Keep up the great work!
