Monday, July 1, 2024

A tale of two dicks

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‘Let’s see how you shape up, big guy’ Jake’s wife said as she walked into the room showing off the ruler, ready to measure his new appendage. She momentarily stopped as she realised the sensitivity of the term ‘big guy’. It was a force of habit.

Jake’s wife was taking his Swapped at Birth case far better than he was. That nerdy shit Max had filed the paperwork to arrange their swap. What had he even done to him?

Jake prided himself on his body, most of all his thick cock. Now he found himself in a slobby, nerds body with a tiny cock. 

Anxiety filled him as his wife brought the ruler to his new penis. ‘Are you fully hard?’, he was. He could clearly see why she thought he wasn’t. He meekly nodded. His new penis was nearly 4 inches.

‘Don’t worry sweetie, there’s plenty of ways we can make this work!’ She insisted. This wasn’t what he wanted to hear. He didn’t want to ‘make up for it’, he wanted to stretch her like he used. She would struggle to even feel him now.

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At home, Max didn’t have a partner to delight in his new dick, but he took plenty delight in it himself. 

Obviously, he had no idea that this was a part of the package when he applied for the Swapped at Birth application, but it was a hell of a bonus!

Jake was an asshole when they were kids, tormenting Max as the time in school. Classic nerd and jock bullying. To be given the opportunity to ruin his life a little alongside reclaiming the body that was rightfully his was very appealing.

With his new body, Max was going to make up for all the dating and ladies he missed out on in his ugly nerd body.

Always insecure about his meagre penis, now having such a thick one between his legs made him feel more of a man than he’d ever done. The prominent veins adding to the aura of power it held.

With a brief smile at the thought of Jake discovering his new shrimp dick, Max headed out to get his hammer seen to by some pretty ladies. 

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