Friday, May 31, 2024

Interactive: Pre Shift Briefing

Scientists were able to predict the Great Shift before it happened, understanding that the whole world would be affected the world governments worked together globally for the first time ever. A fear that the world would collapse otherwise, everyone was given a briefing on the person that they were due to swap with, hoping it would ease the transition.

For global stability, you are expected to adhere to the details of the brief, at least until necessary arrangements are made.

You open your brief and the name at the top is…

How do you feel about your new life?


  1. I got Andrea. Definitely would not have been my first choice. Love this style of cap though.

    1. How do you think you'll handle Andrea's life?

    2. Definitely isn't going to be easy. First thing I'll do is probably try to get into better shape and improve my looks.

  2. I got Ella and while it is a stark departure from my previous life, I'm totally looking forward to my new one as Ella!

  3. I got Jake. I'll love being a Swiss nerd with a big dick!
