Tuesday, July 2, 2024


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No good parent would admit that they regretted having kids. They’d tell you that they’d never change a thing and that it was worth all of the stress. Most people actually meant it even with some doubts.

If you asked Michelle, she would say just this. Still for Michelle there was a longing within her. She loved her four kids but she missed the days without the responsibility. She and her husband starting having kids young and she felt like she lost a lot of her prime years.

Now Michelle has aged and put on weight, her once gorgeous body hidden under layers of fat and aging. Between her job, her kids and her no-good husband, Michelle had no time to look after or enjoy herself. 

One day, isolating herself in the bathroom for the only bit of peace she could get in her house, she sobbed. She wished to be twenty again and to be living her best life. Cleaning the tears from her face, she returned to the chaos of her household.

Someone (or something) heard Michelle’s wish. When she woke up the next morning, Michelle found herself back in the town she went to college in and in a shared house with a bunch of young girls. 

She’d find that she was just as young as these girls and they were her best friends. Reality had changed according to her wish. Back to her prime and with a fresh start in the town she went to college in, she was overjoyed.

Even then she worried about her kids and so she rang her house phone, only for a women called Nicole to answer. She didn’t seem to know who Michelle was. It was a sad but were they her kids anymore?

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Magic isn’t free. For every bit of magic, there is a consequence. Each and every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Nicole was the unlucky victim that experienced the backlash of Michelle’s wish.

Nicole was a vibrant young women. No one could question whether she was making the most of her life. Young and pretty, she made sure that she squeezed as much out of her youth whilst she could. She wanted kids eventually but figured it would be best to wait and enjoy life, she could always have them later. 

Unfortunately, just like Michelle, Nicole woke up in a strange room. Worst of all, beside a strange older hairy man who was bit of a slob. It wasn’t unusual for Nicole to wake up in a stranger’s room but it was normally a young hot guy or girl beside her.

She wanted to scream but found herself unable to. Whilst she had control of her body, there seemed to be limits. Looking around her in panic, she noticed a few framed pictures. Examining them closer, one stood out to her. It showed what looked like herself and this man (although a bit younger) getting married. The picture quality, her hair, makeup and dress looked right out of the 2000s, but she would’ve been a kid then. Then she saw her reflection in the glass of the framed picture. 

It was definitely her, but much older. She’d retained a lot of her looks in her age but that didn’t make up for the lost 20 years. Looking down at her body, she’d also put weight on. Her self-inspection was stopped by the sound of a baby crying. A baby she found herself subconsciously walking to soothe. 

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