Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Favourite concepts/ themes

 Just a quick one, what concepts/ themes would you like to see more of?


  1. Medallion of Zulo

    1. I'll definitely need to look into how that works and see if I like it.

  2. My favorites are always couples themes where they shapeshift, transform, etc into other people to experiment.

  3. Husbands/Boyfriends turned and the wives/girlfriends hooking up in front of them and even making them participate.

    1. Similar to this? https://extracaps.blogspot.com/2024/05/love-remains.html

  4. Replies
    1. I've been working with AI faceswaps so there will defo be more trait swap/ role exchanger once I get some good images

  5. Female Possession and Slolen Body

  6. Age progression with mutual agreement

  7. female to femboy or shemale

    1. Got lots of images saved for this but haven't had an ideas come to me. I will try to think of some.

  8. Mother and son bodyswap or Father and son's girlfriend or wife bodyswap leaving them to act as who they have become.

  9. Exchange Island, or mutual with age progression

    1. Second mutual ap, interesting. Exchange Island will always be on the menu, too many good Bikini pics.

  10. Alt shift and role exchanger yeah, loved that alt shift one you did, with them getting trapped in new lives that aren't ideal.

    1. Alt Shift and Swapville are themes I love for forcing someone to stick to their body's role.

    2. The alt shift concept has always bothered me because if ~95% of all professional scientists are all delusional then there are not enough authority figures sane enough to make the decisions for society to function. Including what scientists are making the decision, their bodies are delusional with no scientific knowledge and the minds are random unqualified people bodies. Who makes the call that it's a delusion. Additionally, having memories of other lives of people across the world somehow being known the mind can't make that up. Finally, if that many people report the same event then any professional left in the normal, unshifted state, would never make such a claim. No scientists would ever go against that much evidence with nothing to support the contrary, while everyone they interact with, family, friends, loved ones, would be first hand clear evidence of it's true nature. For it to work it needs to be the minor shift. or at the very least a minority of the populuas with qualified professionals unaffected to make decisions. Are you really going to declare the president, for example, insane with no knowledge and thinking they're an entirely different person but still allow them the power and position of president. Absolutely not! So the government can't make an official ruling because the all the people in it are insane. I love the ideas at sometgcaps and material, but this one is just too full of practicallity to overcome the mysterious aspects of it.
      Speaking of sometgcaps the swap institute, and definitely the Role Reverser should be utilized more.

    3. I have the same issues but I think it's a good setting to enforce the dynamics of the new body so I just choose to ignore the logical issues it.

    4. Now, at least, I know I'm not the only person to see that massive flaw and I feel a lot better about it. Yes the enforcement of the having to maintain the role of the body is its value and it is interesting. When I first saw the rules of swapville I thought it was a good alternative to that logistics mess of the alt shift. The swapville reminded me of "the mysterious case of hillsburg" story from major fiction branches wishing stone. I recommend the whole storyline but the single town was familiar. In a nutshell a scientist can control reality around the town and does all sorts of manipulations. I really do hope you utilized the role Reverser, especially since over years they have only made 48 stories. I'd like to see how you work with that.

    5. Alt minor shift might work better then. Fewer of them makes it make more sense to be enforced on the few who had it.

    6. Exactly. My first draft of the comment mentioned that the minor shift is the logical alternative.

  11. Replies
    1. Those take a lot of work. Currently planning one every month right now.

  12. Replies
    1. Of course! I've definitely been doing more recently.

  13. Role Exchanger and Body Part Swaps. Particularly bizarre ones and those where body and genitals are mismatched. Also muscle women.

  14. I think Magic Taxi series would be cool idea. With wildly different bodies, and we follow the next person and adjusting to their life.
    I also like to see more time shifts of 5-10 years into the future, maybe even 40 years or something.

  15. family member swaps. brother/sister, mother/son, etc

    1. Something I really did at the start but faded on. Need to get back on them.

  16. also pre-shift/post-shift that some-tg-caps posted those are great

  17. Role Exchanger, trait swaps (body and mental) including personality swaps but rarest swaps that I love are body memory swaps. The subject knows the body is the right one but doesn't remember the physical sensations of having one. Male/female. Groups of people or Families various RE changes. Family swaps of any kind are good.

    1. I'm planning a lot more trait swaps in the future.

    2. Hopefully, that includes some body memory swaps. I don't particularly care for misplaced body parts (dicks for eyeballs etc.) keep the eyes in the face.

  18. Unaware swaps, where the people swapped are not aware they have been swapped (they think they've always been like that) but everyone else notices.

    Stealth Control style possessions, where a man possesses a woman and does lewd stuff with her body, but in her mind she justifies all her actions as her own.

    1. Both very unique. I'll need to think how to apply those

    2. Yes possessions where the victim thinks they are doing everything and are confused why especially why the found their own body attractive and played and even thought it was some brand new experience to have the body.

  19. More SMS type caps! Yours are the best!

    1. Great to know, they tend to be some of the most fun to make

  20. I'm going to toss a potential swap from the red the person swaps feelings about themselves. She gets the feelings of a person attracted to her, or perhaps a rivals feelings of their actions. The bitch popular girl can't believe their past actions and struggle to change their behavior, and attitude. The girl remembers being picked on and bullied by herself, but moreso has a deep sympathy because she wants to be a different type of person and change their personality but is stuck with the same one they always had and now hate.

    1. If this is a request, I'd direct you to https://extracaps.blogspot.com/p/commissions.html

    2. It's not a request. Just a few ideas that could be used.

    3. No problem, read it initially as a full story outline

  21. I like idea of Genderwave, its rarely used. Also I would personally want to see some captions in fantasy setting.

    1. Fantasy is a good call. Also, sometimes just the costumes are good too. Cosplay and such.

  22. I really love couples body theft caps, unfortunately I don’t see enough of this on other caption blogs. For example: stories in which someone possesses/swaps with the body of the main character’s gf/wife/fiance. There is like a million ways to make stories off this but I would suggest more of these! Thanks for listening to my and everyone else’s feedback!

  23. I would love to see some captions with more of strip teasing or exhibitionism!

  24. Merging, absorbing, fusing, people minds, body, or body parts. Body is nice. Mind mental merging has a lot of ways various outcomes. Explaining/elaborating what and how the subjects aspects contributed to the result. We're the parts added together or average between them. Especially when it's minds. I definitely like the notion of all the personalities conflicting or changing the behavior, likes dislikes hobbies etc.It's also interesting when it's mannerisms because so subtle the people don't even notice.
