Saturday, June 29, 2024


Caption text

Ellen knew her boyfriend, John had a thing for thicker women, something she was not. He always reassured her that he loved her and found her plenty hot but Ellen knew he’d like her with some more curves.

On a day he would be home late, she headed to Swap Clinic and got a few changes. Turns out there were plenty of people who would happily given up some weight and curves to be skinny like her. She had the pick of the litter.

Back home, Ellen couldn’t help but smile as she heard John coming through the door. He was meet with her new sizeable bust barely contained by her old clothes, and clearly liked what he saw. John's jaw dropped when he saw her. He couldn't believe how different she looked.

"Wow, Ellen, you look amazing, I wouldn’t have know it was you!” he said, staring at her.

Ellen smiled, pleased with John's reaction. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

John's hands started running his hands over Ellen's new curves. He couldn't believe how soft and round she felt. He was getting harder by the second.

"I'm glad you like it," she said, kissing him on the cheek and leading him to the bed room to explore her new curves.

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