
Sunday, March 31, 2024

Post-Shift Interview

Caption text

The interviewer started the tape recorder and cleared their throat preparing to the start the interview. “I’m here with Cathy, formally know as Caleb. Cathy has got a very interesting Post-Shift story. Cathy, would you mind telling me your experience”.

Cathy adjusted themselves, despite their not being a camera, being recorded made her self-conscious and she wanted to make sure she looked good. “Well as you said I used to be called Caleb. I was a 21 years old, a skinny kid, always sick, pretty much just stayed in my own room. It wasn’t much of a life. Now as you can see…” Cathy waved a hand over her body, emphasis put on the chest “I’m an older women now. This body used to be my Mom’s friend’s. She was 43 at the time of the shift so I guess biologically I’m 22 years older.”

“Thank you Cathy. I’ve got some further questions, firstly how do you feel about your situation after the Great Shift?” The interviewer asked.

“Well that’s why you’re here isn’t it. Most 21 year old guys would be devastated to become a middle-aged women. But me? I’ve never been happier in my life. I guess it’s because I didn’t love my life beforehand. Yes, I lost 20 years of my life but I’m in much better health, I’ve got much more meat on my bones. A lot more meat. My social life has thrived, dating especially. This body gets a lot of attention despite it’s age. I think it’s obvious why. Despite my new curves being very foreign, I’ve come to love them.” Cathy finished her answer, anticipating the next question.

There was a delay, Cathy was waiting for the next question but when she glanced over to the interviewer, he was staring intently at her chest, his mind empty. Cathy’s outfit selection had worked excellently, she knew prior the interviewer was very attractive. “Why don’t we pause the interview for a while and I can show you what I mean.” Cathy said, slowly getting out of her seat and approaching the man, snapping him out his daze. “Or we can leave it on…” She added.