Friday, June 14, 2024

Dad bod

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Lauren (right) and her boyfriend Xavier (left) were visiting Bikini Beach. Lauren was giddy about the experience, her boyfriend would get to be her girly bff for the week. Xavier was a bit hesitant but an unvoiced curiosity meant he went along with it.

Xavier was a big guy, 6’5 with a dad bod to match. Lauren loved the little bit of softness that came with his build and accented his muscles. When Xavier emerged from the transformation centre, Lauren was shocked at what she saw. Out walked an Amazonian woman, one that resembled Xavier’s mother but a lot younger, and prettier.

Even as a women Xavier was 6’1 and the slight pudginess complemented his body shape just as much as it did as a guy. Tall and curvy, Xavier still had a presence over the diminutive Lauren.

Lauren hadn’t thought this through. She hadn’t considered the idea of Xavier being sexier than her. Walking down the beach, he caught far more eyes than she did, even if everyone was a women at the moment. Even though he was normally a man, currently Xavier was more of a woman than Lauren would ever be.

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