Saturday, June 15, 2024

Integer overflow

It was a huge day for DreamU, the transformation company. Advancements in phone technology meant they were able to localise their service from mobile devices. Today was the launch of the app. Customers could now become themselves within the confines of their home* *So long as they paid the hefty subscription fee and the process fee. 

The room was filled with cheers and high-fives as the Development Lead pressed the publish button. The team celebrated, pouring themselves drinks to signify a job well done and a project complete. Before anyone could finish their drink, the social media and support team ran into the room. The several voices incoherent talking at once. The Development Lead asked for one voice at a time. 

"We launched the broken build" Janice, the chubby social media lead said, out of brief having ran from her office. Glasses shattered on the floor, the team shocked, losing their grips. A few limp faint bodies too fell to the floor. The team knew what this simple statement meant. Several of them had proof of why. 

You see, an oversight in the application wasn't noticed until the team were testing the app, preparing it for release. When a user set a specific trait (such as height, muscles, etc.), the application performed an action called an integer overflow. In programming, this is when a number is too big and loops alway to being the extreme negative. Trying to add 1 to 1000 becomes -1000. 

Normally this is fine. In the video game Civ, this famously changes Ghandi to a genocidal maniac. With the DreamU software this makes people the opposite of what they want, and the software recognises the error post-transformation, locking the user out from the app. This lead to hundreds of users increasing their own insecurities rather than fixing them.

Janice, social media manager is only chubby now because of her attempts to make herself as skinny as possible during testing lead her to become obese. She's done well to lose the weight since, but the same cannot be said for the testers with more permanent changes.

Janice, before and after testing
Case 1 - Callum

Callum gave himself his dream body. This included a change of race. He was now black, muscular, skinny, and had a big dick to match. Luckily for him he didn't max out the dick slider. What he did max out though, came from one of his strongest insecurities. Callum had the feeling he was bisexual, he'd increasingly noticed an attraction to men. An attraction he considered unnatural and therefore on the DreamU app when given the choice, he maxed out the heterosexuality slider. Of course this gave the exact opposite result. His insecurities about his bisexual sexuality now magnified and his attraction to women lost. 

Now Callum can be seen being pounded by any man that offers, his big black dick bouncing up and down. The shame adds to the experience. 

Case 2 - Amanda & Lucas

Amanda and Lucas were deeply in love but they had one issue. Lucas's size. He was an unremarkable 4 inches. Usable but nothing to brag about. Amanda had a lot of experience with bigger dicks and had a liking for them. This added a lot of issues in their sexual relationship contrasted to their perfect emotional relationship.
Unbeknownst to each other, both of them were planning on using DreamU to solve this issue. Amanda changed her preference to the smaller dicks and Lucas changed his dick size, both to the max. The actual results being that Amanda was now enthralled by big dicks and loved to humiliated little dicklets like the one Lucas now found himself with. They would have to find alternative arrangements until the app could be fixed. 

Case 3 - Julianne

Julianne faced a less extreme case than the two previous. She simply was insecure about her height and weight. Who isn't in some way. All her friends were short, curvy brunettes whilst she was average height and weight. Trying to fit in with her friends, she set her height to the minimum and curves to the max.
Now extremely lanky, she stands out more. It is a struggle to be around her friend's or really with anyone now, she feels so out of place and exposed. Eyes are drawn to her now, it's impossible to hide in a crowd. That said, she has noticed more attention from guys. A surprising amount of guys like tall girls.

Case 4 - Ava

Ava claims her life has been ruined by her changes. The wife of a pastor and a figurehead of her churchly community, Ava struggled to control her moderate sexual desires. Due to trying to stop them completely with the DreamU app, she now finds herself thinking about sex 24/7 and doing it just as often. Her family have abandoned her but she has made a new family. A family of dozens of blacks guys who take turns with her as they wish, or as she begs.

Case 5 - Marcus

The only gender swap of the cases presented. Marcus spent hours on the app, designing the perfect female body. He wanted to finally cure his body dysmorphia and be the delicate brunette he saw himself as inside. As he submitted the new body and saw that he was locked out, he didn't panic. He was going to finally be the person he wanted to be. 
This thought faded when he noticed he was getting bigger not skinnier. Marcus had set the muscle tone to minimal in the sliders and the app had swapped that all the way to max. Now Marcus was built more like the ideal man than the ideal women. His dysmorphia was far from cured. 

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