Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Fit to Fat and back again

Caption 1 text

Claire was very proud of her physique pre-shift. She wasn’t a big gym goer but she definitely took care of herself. Her diet was superb and she was generally active. She knew she had a great body, and loved to show it off in tight dresses.

During the Great Shift she found herself in an overweight women’s body. Despite this, the body was really pretty and had a lot of potential. She did a fantastic job at getting the body skinny. She even became an active gym member in her pursuit of a skinny body. The hard work in her Great Shift body seen her go from fat to skinny to fit. By the end of her journey her body was better than her pre-shift body and she was immensely proud of it. 

Because of the hard work not only following the Great Shift but her life before, it was a real kick in the ass when the Great De-Shift shown her how her old body had been treated. 

Back in her old body (which may as well have been a completely different body), the inhabitant had let it slip. Not only was she now older and fatter, she’d grown to love her Shift body. It was prettier than she was and she’d worked harder on it than anything else in her life. It’s time to see if she could do the process over again.

Caption 2 text

Jazz lived all of her life being told she was pretty ‘for a big girl’. She points to this as to why she always struggled with her weight. In ways it enabled her. There were plenty of guys who liked her at her size. 

When she was shifted into Claire’s body she made a conscious effort to maintain Claire’s skinny body. For a short while, she did but eventually her old eating habits started to creep in and the pounds started to gather. She didn’t get to her previous weight but just before the De-Shift, she was close. 

Claire’s body wore the weight far worse than Jazz’s body did. The weight gain was far less complementary, especially to her bust and hips. Claire’s body held it in the arms and stomach. 

Jazz was no longer was able to excuse her weight by her natural beauty that exuded through the layers of fat. 

Returning to her old body with the De-Shift was therapeutic for Jazz. She had remembered how good it felt to be skinny when she was first in Claire’s body but this was different. Her body was in the best shape of anyone she’d ever seen. 

The confidence soared through her, finally she had the looks and the body. Her old ‘thunder thighs’ had a whole new meaning. She wasn’t going let it slip this time.


  1. To be honest. Nit the biggest fan of de-shift and the weight chnage captions.
    Prefer more classical mtf body swap.

    1. I really appreciate the feedback. What people don't enjoy is just as useful. There are people who do like this style (this was a commission after all), but I will balance the captions. I know the last two posts have been weight gain based but that's just the nature of the commissions that came in.
