Sunday, June 9, 2024

Great Shift Reunion Party 2

Part 1

Caption text

Braden always one to run late, especially now with the extra preparations before he left the house, arrived at the party and everyone was already there. Knocking on his friend's familiar door, he was struct how unfamiliar the voices were from the party. He could recognise cadences but the pitches and tones were very different.

The door was answered by a gorgeous women who greeted him "I only know you're Braden because you're so late! Come on in buddy it's me Anthony. You look great!". The small compliment gave Braden a tiny burst of joy.

Entering the threshold and being escorted to the party by Anthony, he got a better look at Anthony's new body. Braden gasped, and made a quick comment to his friend "Ant! You're jacked!". Anthony smiled. It looked good on his feminine face. He'd clearly gotten this comment plenty today.

Anthony was always a bit tubby. The guys made a few too many jokes about this. Seeing him now with broad shoulders, thick muscular thighs and still a womanly figure to complement was a strange experience for Braden. His primary emotion was happiness, for Anthony, but there was a glint of jealousy at his Amazonian figure. Despite his appreciation of the female body being very different now, there was still an attraction to the women before him.