Thursday, June 6, 2024

Pretty in Pink

Been playing around with AI faceswaps, they're great for a before and after. Generally, don't like AI because it can be really unrealistic and it ruins immersion. 

What do you think? Is the picture on the right okay enough for your experience?

Caption text

Lynn was a model student, pretty and popular. She had it all. It was summer when the Role Exchanger hit her and her friend group whilst they were on a trip to New York. Lynn had just been talking about being sad leaving them all when she went to MIT.

Her swaps from the Role Exchanger meant she wouldn’t have to worry about that for long. She caught a lot of unfortunate traits from the attendants of a porn convention in their hotel.

Outwardly the changes were clear: Fake breasts from one performer, BBL from another and dyed pink hair from another. She could’ve easily been mistaken for one of the ‘attractions’.

Lynn failed to fully comprehend her mental changes immediately following the swap. The main thing she noticed was that she really liked the pink hair and wasn’t a fan of her old wardrobe. 

Progressively, her clothes became more and more revealing. Her make-up more suggestive. One day, on a whim she got her nipples pierced.

The next thing she became aware of was a lack of interest in her studying. Instead, she spent her time taking pictures of herself. Now far more vain. These pictures progressed from full-face selfies, to including her new impressive cleavage, to faceless posts on reddit, to starting an OnlyFans and finally to working in the Porn industry. 

By the end of summer, she had no plans of showing up at MIT. She was a top 10 Pornstar on Pornhub and a dead ringer for best newcomer at AVN.

Lynn was no longer a model student but a erotic model, no longer pretty but sexy and she was still popular, just in a far different way.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty good.
    Have myself experimented a lot with face swaps.
    I am currently working on a series. But there are not enough images of the model that I can use for the kind of story I want to tell. So I tried face swaps. And a lot of them a pretty decent.
    And with a little image edit from myself, they can become usable.
