Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Couldn't refuse

Caption text

Jackson had washed all his money away gambling, he wouldn't be able to make rent this month. He was struggling for options, his work wouldn't give him an advance. He came across an ad for a new service at Swap Clinic: body rentals. 

Naturally he signed up and listed his body for as long as it took until his next payday. He listed his body for a modest price, he needed the money desperately. Despite this, after a day of no offers he got a massive one. It was 5x his original listing. He couldn't refuse. Due to anonymous account settings, all he knew was the he would be 43 years old and a women. He thought that it would be cool to be a women for a while and that 43 wasn't going to be an age where he had to worry too much about his health. 

On the day of the swap, he got out of the pod and was met with a familiar face in the mirror. His mum's ex-best friend, they'd had a major falling out a few years back. She was a good looking women for her age and had done well for herself, he just didn't understand why she did it. 

The text he got within minutes of the swap quickly explained that: 'Hi hun, sorry about this. The best way to get to your mum is through you so. I hope you like the outfit, I've worn my best lingerie underneath too. I left some toys out at home for you to play with. Have fun xxx I know I will'


  1. Aw, that's actually pretty sweet, in an underhanded sort of way

  2. Great cap! Caps with Ava as the model always come out great - Phil

  3. Can you make one where a bully steals the body of his victims girlfriend?
