Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Caption text

Jack had a big surprise for his partner. It was their ten year anniversary and he wanted to make it special. He'd been saving up for a few years for this. He'd just returned from the Swap Clinic and was patiently waiting for his partner Kimmy to return from work. 

At the Swap Clinic, he had bought a bunch of permanent swaps. Lots of qualities that he knew his partner liked that he just didn't have: tattoos, green eyes, a slimmer frame, longer, curlier hair. Whilst he was their he got some personal upgrades too. He'd always been insecure about his dick. It was average and he knew it. Kimmy never had an issue with it and in fact, his acknowledgement of his size made him compensate elsewhere in the bedroom. Hopefully, the bigger dick he got for a great bargain would be a positive. 

Kimmy was clearly confused when she came in, the guy in front of her looked remarkably like her husband but there were minor differences. Once Jack explained his changes and the reason why, Kimmy found it very sweet and the appreciation soon turned into attraction, just as he hoped. The foreplay didn't take long, Kimmy attractions got her ready very quickly. 

As she pulled out his new cock, she gasped and smirked. She told Jack that she liked his former size but alway wished it was just a bit bigger. She lay down on the bed and Jack prepared to enter her with his new member. The excitement seemed to get the better of him and he came prematurely. Something he'd never experienced before. As he would come to find out from the next attempt at sex (and any afterwards), the bargain he got for his new cock was because of an unlisted major flaw: chronic extreme premature ejaculation.


  1. Hey here the author of greatswaps. Would like if you link my blog. By the way, would you be interested in a colab story or something like that?

    1. Thank you. The moment you put it there, it shot up on views. Did not expect that.
      And thank you for your work with captions.

  2. PR NIGHTMARE for the Swap Clinic offices lmao
