Sunday, May 26, 2024

Messy break-up

First Commission! Thanks for the support!

Caption 1 text

Abby was sick of listening to her sister, Kendall and Kendall's boyfriend, Alex arguing. Every week, the two were screaming at eachother and if they weren't arguing, they were having loud angry sex. Alex and Kendall were deeply in love, and yet horrible for one another. Abby had had enough of their fighting and decided to do something about it. Anything to silence them down.

Abby stormed out of her room, her eyes scanning the bookshelf in the hallway for the right spell book. Her fingers ran across the spines of the books until she found the one she was looking for a dusty old grimoire that her grandmother had left her. The plan was the swap the two bickering partner's minds and add a splash of lustfulness. That would teach them to empathise with eachother. 

With a determined look on her face, she opened the book and began to read aloud. As she enchanted, the raucous continued, mostly muffled until a clear and determined shout from Kendall, "That's it! I'm breaking up with you." Abby gasped, interrupting the spell. Just as she realised the consequences of her pause, she fainted and fell to the floor. 

Alex came to, groggily. Last he remembered, Kendall told him she was breaking up with him then he immediately fainted. Alex got up, using the table to support him. Kendall's family must have moved him into the living room whilst he was knocked out. As he got up, there were some lingering effects from the fainting, his body felt so light and unfamiliar. 

Caption 2 text

When Abby woke up, she found herself in her sister's bedroom. She looked down at herself, still dressed in a similar a crop-top and underwear. Her eyes widened when she noticed that her breasts were much larger than she remembered. She quickly pulled the crop-top over her head, revealing her bare breasts. She realised that she was in Kendall's body. As she inspected her bigger breasts, she felt a strange warmth spreading through her body, a desire that she had never felt before.

Her self inspection was interrupted by a man's voice. "What the hell!". Swiftly turning to find the source of the voice, her fleshier form moving in unfamiliar ways. She saw Alex's body sitting on the bed, eyes glazed over in panic. 

"Alex, it's me Abby. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry." Abby confessed.

Alex's body looked up, eyes wide and mouth in a frown. "Abby?" he asked, confusion etched on his face but a predatory gaze underneath. Kendall in Alex's body was struggling with the strong sexual desires she faced towards her own body. A clear bulge through her pants grew. 

Both sister's had worked themselves into heighten arousal. Their bodies' existing attractions amplified by the lust spell gone wrong. Before Abby could explain what had gone wrong, she in Kendall's body and Kendall-in-Alex's body were going at it like the passionate lovers they looked like externally. They were so involved, they failed to notice Alex-in-Abby's body walk in and catch them in the act. Or the fact Alex had undressed Abby's body.

Caption 3 text

On his walk to investigate the noise, Alex realised he was in Abby's body. The dyed blue hair falling into his face made it obvious. He walked into the room and was shocked to see his body and Kendall's passionately making love. He thought about interrupting but his new lustful mind enjoyed the view far too much. Stripping down to play with himself while quietly spectating the passionate love, he came to realise that it was Abby is Kendall's body and Kendall in his. How crazy, Kendall was had just broken up with him and now she was him. 

As the two lovers changed positions, they noticed their voyeur. Kendall with her new male hormones and overwhelming arousal was clearly very pleased to see her sister's body naked and seemingly enjoying the view. She beckoned Alex to come join. Abby didn't refuse either, despite the blood relation of their forms. The lust spell was just too overpowering.  Alex approached the two lovers. 

Alex straddled his former body, in bliss as his former cock filled his insides. His soaked pussy dripping onto his body's sister, who was below him passionately kissing his new tits. The three would spend hours on the bed making love. Once the bed became too wet from the various sexual juices and sweat, they moved to another room until it too was ruined. In the back of their head they knew they had to reverse the spell but they were having far too good of a time in their lustful cloud.