Saturday, May 25, 2024

Mile High Club

Caption Text

Prin worked behind a bar in a Thai resort. It wasn't a bad job and Thailand wasn't too bad to live in. It was his life but it was hard being constantly exposed to the happy rich people from the western world. This resentment built up and one day Prin made a plan. He'd slip a bodyswap potion into someones drink and steal their life, sneaking back to their country.

Taking his time to find the right person, he didn't want to waste this once in a lifetime chance. When he saws the 6'4 ripped American man come to the resort lobby and check in, he knew he'd found the right guy. He was athletic, white, likely rich, confident. He could've been a moviestar. Even better he came in with a hot girl, blonde and ditzy with a big ass. 

Prin got talking to the guy at the bar. He asked questions about the guy's life. The more Prin found out, the more excited he was to steal it. Taking a heavy dose of recreational drugs, and slipping the potion into the guy's drink he served the couple. Feeling the drugs wash over him, he watched as the girlfriend came over from the pool and took the drink from the boyfriend's hand, saying in her high pitch voice 'Thanks sweaty'. She took a sip and Prin fainted. 

Whether it was the drugs or the swap, he was now looking from the otherside of the bar, watching his old body seize on the floor. His new 'boyfriend', the body he wanted, sprang into action and performed CPR. Looking at the man from his new perspective, he felt a warmth grow in his new emptiness. He was almost heroic. In how he once looked at the man in jealously, he now looked at him in arousal.

The bodyswap potion was slightly flawed, you inherited a lot of the personality of the body you stole. That's how Prin found him on the plane back to America, taking a selfie in the bathroom mirror and sending it to his hunk of a boyfriend, asking him if he'd like to join the 'Mile High Club'.

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