Saturday, May 11, 2024

Redneck bitch 2

 Part 1

Caption text

"Look big guy, unless you want laid, I'm not listening to you" Joanne spoke, noticing Victor once again about to try to appeal to her. Victor was this body's boyfriend, and Joanne did notice an affection for him. 

Victor felt so much pity from what he saw. Not for the inhabitant of the body, they knew what they were doing. The pity he felt was for his girlfriend Amy, stuck in a trashy women's body in a trailer on the outskirts of town. If she could see what had came of her body. Gone was the silky brunette locks replaced by messy blonde hair likely from shop-bought dye, the skinny eloquent figure was not showing some pudginess, the tasteful dress sense nowhere to be seen.

"Can't you undo this, she's learned her lesson." Victor pleaded.

"Not happening kid. Business is booming. Guys are loving this body. I've made some changes, was planning on getting some implants again but 'mummy' and 'daddy' have stopped contacting me... So do you want laid or not. I'll do it for free, for old times sake" The women smirked.

“Uh sure…” Victor hesitantly answered, worried about what kind of STD he would catch but struggling to decline.