Monday, May 27, 2024

Brotherly competition

Caption text

Brothers Jack and Hank weren't thrilled to have both ended up as young women at Exchange Island. Despite this they let their nature brotherly competition seep into their vacation. They argued over which of them was hotter. Of course, they didn't come to an agreement. They did agree the only way was to see who could sleep with the most guys by the end of the vacation. 

Almost instantly the brothers went their separate ways and got to their collective task. Jack (left) was brash and blunt with his pursuits, the inhabitants of the male bodies struggling to refuse. Jack would find the hottest guys on the beach, do the deed and walk right over to another man a few yards across the beach and rinse and repeat. Naturally, not everyone was willing. He assumed most of these were girls too stuck up to embrace their manhood

Hank, ever the opportunist had a better idea of how to optimise his efficiency. During the night he could party with all the young bodies who had the energy to stay up, he'd sneak to bathrooms and have a quickie, often he didn't even make it to the bathroom. In the daytime, Hank would find the loneliest, saddest old men and start flirting with them. The idea being that those who were upset that they landed in ugly, pervy, old men that a hot girl showing interest would make Hank's advances unstoppable. 

Hank's plan was successful. Jack had ran out of hot guys to sleep with and stopped there. Meanwhile Hank had sleep with all these guys and the oldies, nearly doubling Jack's numbers.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! It's always great to hear people are enjoying

  2. Can you make a caption where a wife hires a body hopper to help get her fit but the husband doesn’t trust the body hopper and he soon finds out why. Thank you!

    1. Hi, unfortunately I don't take requests at the moment. Please see why here.
