Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Great De-Shift

Caption text
The phenomenon that caused everyone to randomly swap bodies globally which had earned the name ‘The Great Shift’ undid itself 5 years after the anniversary of its occurrence. Thankfully scientists were able to get the word out just before this event which was called ‘The Great De-Shift’. For some it was amazing to be back to their real selves, others enjoyed their time post-shift and many felt foreign in the body that was once theirs, especially with the changes 5 years can make. College students at the time of the first shift, found themselves to have biological children, preteens were now through puberty, men returned to their body with their hair completely gone, plenty of people found themselves with tattoos that they didn't like or had any meaning to them and these all mundane experiences. 
Ellen was one of these people that weren't looking forward to their swap. She enjoyed life as the young man she spent time as for the last 5 years. She wasn't looking forward to returning to her obese body, dealing with the constant breathlessness, the sweating and all of other stressors that came with womanhood and obesity. 
She'd lost track of her body following the shift so when she experienced the 'De-Shift' she was shocked to see the changes over the 5 years. She found herself in a cheap apartment, dressed in a skimpy bikini. Her body felt foreign, not just because she'd been a man for 5 years but that it was significantly skinny. There was plenty of weight to the body but it was now from the excessively large fake tits and the BBL. The person had definitely done well to get her body much healthier and she appreciated it but they'd made other more irreparable changes. 
There was a note of the table saying "Hey, this is the person that's been in your body. Sorry for the outfit I just got off work. Sorry for the changes I made, I obviously had no idea we would swap back."
She walked into the bedroom, hoping to find some more modest clothes but she couldn't find anything that wasn't pink or revealing. Her concerns about the 'work' on the note was confirmed when she noticed the framed AVN award certificates on the wall. Her once chubby modest buddy was now a plastic pornstar bimbo and was desired by many.

1 comment:

  1. I’ve wanted this to be a caption category forever, thank you for doing a twist on the great shift, it’s a great concept that leads to so many interesting permutations
