Friday, May 24, 2024

Caption text

Marco was sitting at the PC, wasting away the day as usual. After a long stretch of gaming, he decided it was time to move onto some 'alone time'. Checking his door was locked and his headset was connected so no one could hear but him, he brought up his favourite pornsite. Searching through the videos, he struggled to find anything enticing. He'd over exposed himself to porn at this point that the standard stuff wasn't appealing. 

A BBW Mature video caught his eye and he clicked onto it. As the page loaded, one of those annoying pop-ups appeared. In bright red letters it said "NEWLIFE.COM, where you can become the person you desire". He tried to click the X to close the pop-up but he missed the button. He was taken to, and met with a spinning processing bar. 

As the bar stopped spinning, he felt a jolt through his mouse and fainted with the pain. When he came to, he tried to get out of the chair but struggled, the chair was more restricting than he remembered and he felt heavier. As he gave himself a heave, long hair fell in his face. Wiping it away he noticed the wrinkled chubby fingers attached to his hands. Following further down, thick wrists led to baggy 'bingo wings' and eventually his eyes met 'his' saggy weighty breasts draped over his full belly. 

With the adrenaline and shock Marco had not issue getting up this time, he waddled at a high speed to the bathroom. Ignoring the new wobbly sensations, his attention focussed on his lack of breath and the dizziness of the journey from his room to the bathroom. Inspecting himself in the mirror, his suspicions were confirmed. He was an exact copy of the BBW Gilf in the video clicked on. 

Hearing movement behind him, he turned to see his Mother. What will she say, he thought. 

"Mom, are you okay? You seemed like you were in a panic. Why are you naked?" Marco's Mother said. Reality had changed. Now Marco was his Mother's Mother. He was now his Sister's Grandmother.

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